You are surrounded by different challenges which you have to complete and get rid of these dangers. And when you have completed a level you are provided with three different abilities. As you move forward in the game and complete levels you can unlock different achievements and levels. The first race is based on civilized humans, second is based on dark elves, third is based on light elves and the fourth is based on nomadic humans. Every tree in this game has 22 different abilities and every race have four different cases of characters. Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning has an interesting and amazing storyline which is set in five different regions and there are four different races and three classes. This game was released on 10 th February, 2012. It has exceptional graphics and superb sound effects unlike other action games.

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning is an open world game which is developed and published under the banner of Electronics Arts for Microsoft Windows.

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning PC Game 2012 Overview It is an exceptional action and adventure game.

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